photo from The Flavor Project
Detox is a word, fad, or whatever you'd like to label it as, that we've all come to develop a love-hate relationship with. There's this huge buzz all over just about every media platform, talking about how detoxing is a necessity to kickstart your new diet and/or workout routine. However, with all of these new health claims, come some pretty unhealthy habits, some that we can all say we're guilty of taking up. But hey, lesson learned right? That's what life is all about.
About a year ago, I saw this huge influx in the teatox craze, everyone wanted to be a part of it. However, not long after came the negative aftermath. A lot of these teatoxes contain laxatives, and when taken in excess, can cause some serious harm to the body. A lot of females experienced issues with birth control as well, because when laxatives are taken alongside medication, the medication is essentially flushed out of the system, nullifying the effects altogether.
I wanted to find a way to create a customizable "teatox", without the harmful effects, but while still balancing out the body with amazing health benefits. After researching long and hard about the benefits of different types of tea, I think I've finally perfected my formula (but let's remember that nobody's perfect folks #HannahMontana anyone?).

photo from Plonts Health Magazine
For this teatox, I've decided that it's best to drink three cups of tea a day to get the maximum health benefits. Each type of tea I've listed below is from DavidsTea, which is a company I've recently been employed with, however all opinions are my own, and all items have been purchased with my own money.
Morning: If you're anything like me, and you need that boost of caffeine to get you going in the morning, you'll want to start getting into matcha. Matcha is this AMAZING powerhouse of a green tea. Rather than steeping the tea leaves, you're actually ingesting them (since it's finely ground powder). Therefor, you're getting all the antioxidant, metabolism boosting benefits you could ever ask for in this magical powder! You'll need to buy a special matcha whisk in order to separate the powder in your hot cup of water prior to drinking it, or you can purchase a handheld milk-frother, which will do the trick! (If this sounds like something a little too advanced for your morning routine, any high-grade green tea will work as well).
Afternoon: Time to hydrate without the caffeine. That's right, it's rooibos time. Rooibos tea is packed with minerals and antioxidants, but it's caffeine free, so it's one of the most hydrating ways that you can sip! There's a rooibos blend for just about everyone out there. My personal favourite for detoxing, is called "The Glow". This blend contains ingredients that are traditionally said to be excellent for overall beauty and complexion purposes. Glowing skin? Heck yes!
Before Bed: Do you ever find that your mind is always running before bedtime? Sometimes it's just a little too hard to unwind and relax your brain for the day? Incorporating certain ingredients in your nightly sip can help your body and brain get the 8 hours it truly needs, a.k.a beauty sleep! Not getting enough sleep can actually cause some serious long-term damage to your health and metabolism, they don't call it beauty sleep for nothing. Ingredients such as chamomile and valerian root are time-old traditions that have been used to help aid in relaxation. A great two-in-one tea is "Organic Mother's Little Helper", or if you have a sensitivity to chamomile, do without and still get the benefits of valerian root with "Organic The Big Chill".
What I love most about this teatox? You can truly make it your own. If you have allergies or sensitivities, you can find a tea in any of the above categories that will surely contain ingredients for your needs. Remember, to get the most out of this teatox, always try to drink your tea 30 minutes before or after a meal, that way your tea will have time to separate itself from anything else you've had.
Short guide for your own customizing purposes:
Morning: Green Tea
Afternoon: Rooibos Tea
Night: Herbal (with either chamomile, valerian root, or both)
**This is only meant to help add benefits to your overall health, I cannot claim you'll lose weight or see any drastic changes from this, as everyone's body is different!**
Until Next Time!