Fashion in "The Town of Derry"

If you're like me, and you're a sucker for a good horror movie, then I'm sure you've seen the latest It remake from Stephen King. In light of this new release (and after seeing the film), I decided to travel to one of the filming locations from this movie (Port Hope, Ontario). This quaint little town was transformed into the town of Derry, a town from the Stephen King novel It. I was amazed to see how many things from Port Hope I had actually recognized in the film itself. It was exciting to see somewhere so close to me in such a highly anticipated movie. 

Here are some photos featuring the look I created for my visit:

Choker: Forever21 (similar) || Blouse: Kohls || Skirt: H&M || Purse: Roots ||

That's all for now, until next time! 

Have a Magical Monday :)


  1. I gotta take my son to see this movie! I hope he sleeps well after though

    1. Hahaha It's definitely not for the faint-hearted, but it's an excellent remake (better than the original in my opinion). Stephen King is a horror genius.

  2. You look so gorgeous babe and the whole look is just so perfect for fall. My hubby will definitely love this movie.

    1. Thank you so much!! It's a great film, he'll love it!

  3. I never saw it. In general, I'm so afraid of horror movies.. I watched 'Shining', which is not too terrifying, in the sense that I could predict what was going to happen, but I was still frightened afterwards ^^
    So I tend to avoid those kind of films now^^
    Yet, it's so cool when you go to some place, and feel like you know it already, or have this feeling of 'déjà-vu' because of the movie you watched :)

    1. Horror movie's definitely aren't for everyone! I'm always begging my boyfriend to watch them with me, but he hates them, I kind of had to accept it over time that it just wasn't "our" thing haha (although he did see this one with me shockingly enough).

      It was great to see the town both in and out of film though :)

  4. I am a foreigner so I had never heard of this movie/book until now. I am scared to go watch it!
    Your blouse is ravishing!

  5. I'm anxious for it to be released here, I love horrors. Can't wait, lol
    Love the outfit you wearing, very stylish.

  6. I love IT, both the old and new movie. It is so cool that you went to the town it was filmed in. Gorgeous!

  7. not into the genre... your outfit though looks great!
